Please note: The instructions listed in this article are exclusively applicable to those who have had SAML Single Sign-On activated for their company by Aircall. To have SAML Single Sign-On activated for your company, please contact your Account Manager. Please note that, at this time, this functionality is only offered for a limited number of customers.
Step 1: Create a Single Page Application
- Open the Auth0 management console. (
- From the navigation menu on the left-hand side, expand the Applications section, and then click on Applications.
- On the Applications page, click on the Create Application button.
- On the Create Application modal
- Enter a name for the application(e.g. acme-saml@aircall)
- Select Single Page Web Applications.
- Click on Create.
Step 2: Configure SAML
- On the Applications page, select your application (e.g. acme-saml@aircall).
- Select the Addons tab.
- Switch on the SAML2 Web App switch.
- On the Addon: SAML2 Web App modal
- Click on the Settings tab
- Enter into the Application Callback URL input box:
- Delete the existing value from the Settings input box and paste the following value
2 "audience": "urn:amazon:cognito:sp:us-west-2_hZkGBmIsz",
3 "mappings": {
4 "email": ""
5 },
6 "nameIdentifierFormat": "urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:nameid-format:persistent"
7} - Select Enable and then Save.
- Click on the Usage tab
- Click on the Download button of the Identity Provider Metadata to export the XML file
Step 3: Export the Metadata
- Click on acme-saml@aircall (the name used in the first step) application
- Click on the Addons tab
- Click on the SAML2 Web App switch
- On the Addon: SAML2 Web App modal
- Right-click download of Identity Provider Metadata, and then copy the URL.
- Choose download to download the Identity Provider Metadata .xml metadata file.
For more information on SAML, please read more here or contact your Account Manager.