Before downloading, ensure the latest version of iOS is installed on your device. Aircall supports iOS 16.1 and up.
To have the best experience on the mobile app, we recommend enabling automatic app updates:
Go to Settings → App Store
In the Automatic Downloads section, enable App Updates
- Microphone: Aircall requires access to your microphone in order to be able to make and receive calls. This will need to be toggled on
- Push Notifications: Receive push notifications, which allow you to stay informed of missed calls and voicemails
- Contacts: Display your local contacts within the contact section of the Aircall mobile application
- Once you have allowed access and turned on your permissions, click Continue
Denying Microphone Permission
You can still access the app, but you will not be able to make calls. When you try to dial, you’ll be prompted again to allow Aircall access to your microphone.
Getting Started
Once your setup is complete, you are ready to make calls. Navigate to the Keypad page to start dialing: