To access your account settings in Aircall Workspace, click on your name in the bottom left corner, then click Settings, and make sure you are on the Account page.
Available Account Settings
In the Profile section, users can adjust their:
- Account photo
- First Name
- Last Name
Users can also see their:
- Company
- Extension
Users may also choose to reset their passwords from this page.
Language and Timezone
Drop-downs for Language and Timezone allow users to choose what language they would like to view Aircall's apps in, as well as the timezone that should be applied to their account (for use in features such as availability slots).
Availability Slots
In the Availability Slots section, users can choose to add custom availability for different days/times.
Teams and Numbers
In the Teams and Numbers section, users can view any Teams and/or Numbers they are assigned to.
Emergency Address
In the Emergency Address section, users based in US or Canada can set their emergency address. For more information, please visit this article.