Unanswered calls can have a direct impact on customer satisfaction. For sales teams, unanswered calls can also be a source of missed sales opportunities.
The Unanswered Calls+ dashboard will allow you to keep track of how many calls are going unanswered and why, so you can ensure these are kept at a minimum.
You will be able to identify:
- When the most calls are left unanswered (which times and days, and how this evolves over time)
- What the main reasons are for missing calls
- How well you succeed in calling back customers with missed calls
With this information you will be able to make informed improvements. For example:
- Are certain calls unanswered because no agents were available? Try to identify the root cause. For example, if you identify specific busy time slots, then consider adapting your agents’ schedules.
- Are certain calls unanswered because specific agents were available, but did not pick up? Consider coaching your agents.
- Are certain calls unanswered because too many callers abandon the call? Consider improving your IVR menus, routing strategy, changing your ringing time, or implementing a callback strategy.
Availability of this dashboard
This dashboard is currently available to companies with the Analytics+ add-on, visible to users with admin or supervisor roles.
Overview of this dashboard
On this dashboard, you can assess your unanswered calls at a glance with the key KPIs listed at the top of the page. This enables you to identify:
- when you have the most unanswered calls
- what the main reasons are for your unanswered calls
⚠️ Please note: For more details on the general principles behind how the Analytics+ dashboards work, please refer to Further Troubleshooting Analytics+ & Monitoring in the Dashboard
A quick definition of each KPI or graph is given as a tooltip:
Terms used in this dashboard
The main terms used in this dashboard are described in the article Unanswered Calls Dashboard - Term Definitions
⚠️ Please note: Unanswered calls is also referred to as “missed calls” in other dashboards.
Filters available in this dashboard
Date |
The date range you wish the data in this dashboard to reflect. (This will include calls that start within this date range in the selected timezone) |
Timezone | The timezone in which the date is selected. |
Date Breakdown | For timeline graphs: the breakdown of the timeline e.g. one point per hour, day, week, or month. |
Hours | Narrows down the data to calls that began during the selected hours (in the selected time zone). |
Numbers | Filters the data to calls received on the selected phone numbers |
Unanswered Call Reason |
Narrow down the data to show only calls that were unanswered for a specific reason. Please note that multiple reasons can be selected at once. Please also note that this filter will apply only to unanswered calls specifically - total inbound calls across all charts and metrics will always reflect all inbound calls received, whether answered or not, and unanswered for any reason. |
IVR Branch |
This will filter data by calls where the specific IVR Branch selected in the filter was the last IVR Branch chosen by the customer (i.e. menu option chosen), before the call was unanswered or answered. For more details, see here. |
Top KPIs
In this section you can assess, at a glance, the big picture in relation to your unanswered calls. Specifically, you can learn:
- How many calls or callers were unanswered?
- How consistently do you call back customers who have their calls unanswered?
Please note: For each metric that applies to unanswered calls, these unanswered calls will be filtered by the specific unanswered call reasons selected in the filter section above.
Unanswered Inbound Calls |
# of Unanswered Inbound Unique Calls |
Callback Request Calls Not Called Back |
Unanswered Inbound Calls Without a Subsequent Call |
Average waiting duration (unanswered calls) |
When do you have the most unanswered calls?
In this section you can identify when you receive the highest volumes of unanswered calls:
- During which time slot of the week?
- What is the trend over a given period, and can you identify any peak periods?
Tip: once you have identified a specific date and/or time slot where unanswered calls were at their highest or lowest, focus on this specific date/time using filters:
- Date: to focus on a specific day or range of days;
- Hours: to focus on a specific time of the day.
- Unanswered call reason: to focus on calls unanswered for one or several specific reasons. Please note that this filter will only apply to unanswered calls specifically.
Unanswered Calls by Weekday/Hour |
Unanswered Calls Evolution |
What are the reasons for unanswered calls?
In this section you can identify the reasons for your unanswered calls and how this evolves over time:
- Are the calls unanswered because no agents were available?
- Are the calls unanswered because specific agents were available and did not pick up?
- Are the calls unanswered because too many callers abandoned the call before it was answered?
Please note that both charts in this section may be filtered by one or several selected unanswered call reasons. This filter will apply only to unanswered calls specifically.
Unanswered Calls by Reason |
Total inbound calls evolution
Drill down
You can drill down into each metric in all of the KPIs and graphs: you will find the individual list of calls for the metric.
For example, to learn about calls missed by agents, scroll to the Unanswered calls by reason graph and click the Not answered by agents metric.
⚠️ Please note: This list of calls contain the call timeline and can be downloaded as well
More details on drill down fields are available here.