You can search for a call that you made or received in Aircall through the Aircall phone in the Call History section.
Open your Aircall phone and select Call History. You can search by typing in the Contact Name or Number. You’ll only be able to search by the full number, so be sure to include the prefix!
Search by contact name:
Search by phone number (external number):
⚠️ When searching by number, it's important to be as complete as possible. If an exact number is searched for, in E.164 format, only calls to/from that number will be shown. If an incomplete number, or one that is not in E.164 format, is searched for, calls from numbers that partially match will be shown (e.g. searching for 288288 will match numbers containing the partial search prefixes such as +34664288288, +1628828823, etc.)
Filtering Calls
Need more details? Easy! In this same section, you can click the Filter button located in the upper right-hand corner of the screen to open a menu of options. You can also use the search bar located in the sub-menu.
You can filter by:
Call Type (conference call, incoming answered, missed, outgoing, missed with voicemail)
Aircall Number
Filter by date (max. 5 months):
Filter by Teammate:
Filter by Call Type:
Filter by Aircall Number:
Filter by Tags:
Adjust the filter type by the data you’re searching for and select done. The information will be displayed in the Call History section.
⚠️ Please note: For numbers on our previous routing, if you are needing to see your IVR numbers' missed calls and voicemails, you must include those numbers in your filters. If no numbers are selected in the filters, all calls from numbers you are assigned to will show in your History except for your IVRs' missed calls and voicemails. For Smartflows configurations, any agents associated with the IVR distribution will receive missed call and voicemail notifications for the IVR number.
Looking for more detailed call data? If you’re subscribed to our Professional plan, head over to our Analytics Feature article to learn how to export an excel report directly to your email address.