Learn more about using filters in Aircall's dashboards to ensure you find the information you need:
Available Filters
- Date
- Date Breakdown
- SLA (in seconds)
- (Business) Hours
- Users
- Users belonging to team
- Call routed to Team (former “Teams” filter)
- Lines / Numbers
- IVR Branch
- Tags
- Missed Reasons
- Timezone
This filter allows you to select custom periods of time for which you would like to see data.
⚠️ Please Note:
- The default value is 'today'
The last X days will include the current day
- Only the Analytics+ dashboards enable access to more than 6 months of data
Date Breakdown
This filter is used for the breakdown of the call evolution chart, which allows you to aggregate the data by hour, day, or month.
Note: The default value is Daily.
SLA (in seconds)
This filter sets the value of the SLA in seconds for inbound calls and is to be used to measure the amount of calls answered within SLA.
Note: The default value is 30 seconds.
(Business) Hours
This filter allows you to filter on all calls by hour of creation, and is not linked to the opening hours of a line.
By default the (Business) Hours behavior is “right exclusive”:
You can modify that behavior if you wish to by changing the selection:
Selection |
Behaviour |
Inclusive |
9-18 (Business) Hours include time from 9:00 (included) to 19:00 (excluded) e.g up to 18:59 |
exclusive |
9-18 (Business) Hours include time from 10:00 (included) to 18:00 (excluded) e.g up to 17:59 |
left-exclusive |
9-18 (Business) Hours include time from 10:00 (included) to 19:00 (excluded) e.g up to 18:59 |
You can also choose "is any value" to discard the (Business) Hours filter, and include data from all hours:
There are advanced options also available for filtering. For instance if you what to understand what happened outside of your opening hours, you can filter by “is not between”, instead of “is between”:
In the example above, you will get all calls created:
from 00:00 to to 8:59
and after from 18:00 to 23:59
This filter allows you to hone in on individual users in most graphs. Filtering by user will automatically remove all missed calls from the affected graphs as missed calls have no associated users.
Note: By default, all users are shown.
Note: Deleted users will appear in the filter if they were active during the selected period (e.g. they made calls during this period, etc.), however they will appear as [Deleted] in the filter.
These users should appear at the end of the list unless you are using "[" at the beginning of other user names.
Users belonging to team
This filter displays all calls and events linked to users in the selected team at the time of the call or event.
Please note that filtering by Users belonging to team removes all unanswered inbound calls for the reason that missed calls cannot be related to a single user if several users don’t pick up.
- Example:
Louise is part of Team A when she makes an outbound call on Monday.
On Tuesday, Louise leaves Team A.
At the end of the week, when checking stats for Team A, Louise's call from Monday will appear because she was part of the team at that time.
Note: Deleted teams will appear in the filter if they had activity during the selected period. They will appear as [Deleted] in the filter.
These teams should appear at the end of the list, unless you are using "[" at the beginning of other team names.
Note: The Belonging to Team filter only displays data from June 29th 2024 onward.
Call routed to Team (former “Teams” filter)
This filter displays all calls routed to a specific team in the inbound call distribution.
Please note that filtering by Call routed to team removes all outbound calls, and it also removes all unanswered inbound calls for the reason that these are not assigned to any specific team.
To filter by the activity of all users in a team, including outbound calls, please use the Users Belonging to Team filter.
Note: By default, all teams are shown. Additionally an answered call will be attributed to a team only if the team is used in the routing of a call (see examples below):
- Example 1:
Louise is part of team A and team B, and a call is routed to team B where it is picked up by Louise. When using the Teams filter, the call will not be shown when selecting team A, and will only be visible when team B is selected. - Example 2:
Louise is part of team A and team B, and a call is routed to Louise directly. As the call went directly to Louise, instead of going to team A or team B, it will not show when selecting either team A or team B in the Teams filter.
Note: Deleted teams will appear in the filter if they had activity during the selected period. They will appear as [Deleted] in the filter.
These teams should appear at the end of the list, unless you are using "[" at the beginning of other team names.
Lines / Numbers
This filter allows you to filter by phone number line. The phone number line associated with a call will be the last line used in the call.
Note: By default, all lines are displayed.
Note: Deleted lines will be displayed in the filter if any calls were made or received during the selected period. However, they will appear as [Deleted] in the filter.
These should appear at the end of the list of numbers to select, unless you are using "[" at the beginning of your line names.
IVR Branch
This will filter data by calls where the specific IVR Branch selected in the filter was the last IVR Branch chosen by the customer (i.e. menu option chosen), before the call was unanswered or answered.
This allows for the tracking and optimization of specific aspects of your customers' inbound calling experience.
Please note: This filter is based on the name of the IVR Branch at the moment the call was received. Consequently, if two or more IVR Branches have the same name, this filter will combine the statistics relating to all of these branches.
Please also note that, due to technical constraints, any special characters (such as ,%_^"-) contained in the IVR Branch name will be removed from the filter.
This filter allows you to filter by tags. By default, all tags (and calls with no tags) are shown.
Note: Deleted tags will appear in the filter if they were used during the selected period. They will appear as [Deleted] in the filter.
These tags should appear at the end of the list, unless you are using "[" at the beginning of other tag names.
Missed Reasons
This filter allows you to filter by missed call reasons. If this filter is applied, all outbound calls and answered inbound calls will be removed as well. By default, no value is entered for this filter.
This is the time zone in which all data is displayed. By default, the value is in UTC.
The time zone must be changed to the user time zone, especially if the 'Hours' filter has been applied. If a user sets hours in their local time zone but does not update the time zone filter, the result will not match what is expected.
How are filters saved? Why did my filters reset?
Are my filter values saved?
Whenever you modify a filter on a given dashboard, the value of the filter is saved so that the same selection will there the next time you open the dashboard.
Each dashboard has its own set of filters and does not share any filter values with other dashboards.
The saved filters are saved in the local cache of your browser.
I can’t see the latest filter values I set - they’ve been reset. Why? How can I avoid this?
If you empty your local cache for any reason (see the example below), your saved filter values will be deleted:
In the future, we will be changing the way filters are saved so that emptying your local cache does not delete your saved filters. At the moment, if you often need to clear your cache, you can bookmark the URLs of each dashboard with the correct filter values set. In doing so, the next time you load your bookmarked URL, you will see your dashboard with your desired filter values.
- Save the filters before clearing your local cache:
- The next time you want to visit the same dashboard, click on your bookmark to visit the dashboard with your saved filters:
⚠️ Please Note: We occasionally take steps to improve the functionality and experience of using our filters and, on such occasions, your filters may be automatically reset. When this happens, versions of our filters that are no longer compatible will not be loaded by clicking your previously bookmarked URL.
In such cases, we will clearly communicate to you the name of the filter that has changed so that you can either remove it from the URL you use, or simply reset your desired filters and create a new bookmark.