Over time, you may need to update your credit card details to ensure they are current and valid.
As an Owner, you have the ability to securely update your credit card information directly within your Dashboard:
💡 Only users with Owner privileges have permission to edit Credit card information.
- Log in to your Dashboard
- Click on your company name, located at the bottom of the left-hand navigation panel
- Select the Billing tab
- Scroll down to the Payment Method section and click on Edit Credit Card
💡 Our tip: To prevent potential payment issues check that your credit card is not expired and that it holds sufficient funds before proceeding with this process
- Fill in the required information: Card Number, Expiration Date, CVC
- Click Confirm and wait for the confirmation message indicating that your credit card details have been successfully updated
💡 Once updated, all open invoices will be automatically processed. If there is a red banner or your account is deactivated, the red banner will disappear and the account will be reactivated within 15 minutes after payment for all invoices is received.
You are now set up with your updated credit card information. Please note that all your open invoices will be processed automatically using this new payment method starting today.