In the past, it was possible to use an Aircall number (VoIP number) to register a WhatsApp account. WhatsApp has changed its policy and now requires all users to verify their accounts with a traditional mobile phone number that uses a SIM card.
This change means that you cannot currently use a VoIP number to create a new WhatsApp account.
Here are some additional details to consider:
- Are there any workarounds? Unfortunately, there is no reliable workaround for using a VoIP number with WhatsApp. Some users may report success using a VoIP number to receive a verification code, by requesting it via phone call, but this is not a guaranteed method and may not work consistently.
- What are the alternatives? If you need to use a VoIP number for business communications, you can use a separate VoIP phone number for calls and a traditional mobile phone number for WhatsApp.