If at any given point your calls are not getting logged in Salesforce, please verify that it is not due to any of the following possibilities.
Number format:
Numbers for Contacts, Leads, Accounts, and Person Accounts that are not saved in the correct format and field in Salesforce will not be matched with their record upon receiving or making calls on Aircall.
Recommendation: Your contacts' numbers should be saved in one of the formats indicated here, and should be saved in the Phone, Mobile, Assistant Phone, or Office Phone field.
Required fields:
Certain fields may have been marked as mandatory by checking the Required checkbox in Salesforce. This will prevent you from creating or updating the object if these fields are not filled in.
Recommendation: We suggest to make a field required via Page Layout. This will make the field mandatory for that particular Page layout and not for others.
Validation rules:
Certain fields may be subject to a validation rule. This may prevent you from creating or updating the object.
Recommendation: If this is a mandatory field, we suggest, if possible, to make a field required via Page Layout which will make the field mandatory for that particular Page Layout and not for others.
Another option is to define a Dependent Picklist to specify the Dependent Picklist values that are available when a user selects each controlling field value.
If the validation rule is linked to text formatting, we suggest using a Trigger after create update instead, which will allow you to create or update the object and will apply the formatting rules after the object has been created.
Another option is to add a condition in the validation rules which does not block creation or update of objects coming from Aircall. (Ex: For Validation rule to apply, Call Result field cannot contain 'Aircall')
If one or several processes have been set up, they will set off a series of actions that may prevent the creation or update of the object.
Recommendation: We suggest using a Trigger after create update instead which will allow you to create or update the object which will apply your process rules after the object has been created. Another option is to add a condition in the process rules which does not block creation or update of objects coming from Aircall. (Ex: For Process rule to apply, Call Result field cannot contain 'Aircall')
Salesforce users may have developed one or several Triggers which go off upon creation or update of the object to prevent its creation or update.
Recommendation: If possible, replace the Trigger by a Trigger after create update instead, which will allow you to create or update the object and will apply your Trigger rules after the object has been created. Another option is to add a condition in the process rules which does not block creation or update of objects coming from Aircall. (Ex: For Trigger rule to apply, Call Result field cannot contain 'Aircall').