When trying to transfer a call to a colleague, they are not appearing as an option to transfer to.
When an agent is not available (they are set to unavailable/offline, are on another call, in after call work, etc.) they will not appear as an option for transfer in the Aircall app.
At the moment, the only way to ensure that an agent is available as an option for transfer is to ensure that user is available in the Aircall application and is currently able to accept calls.
If users wish to transfer to other agents, even when they are not available, each user accepting transfers will need to have a dedicated Aircall number. Users are always able to transfer to another Aircall number, even if all agents on that number are unavailable. By having dedicated Aircall numbers for each user, agents will be able to transfer to the direct numbers as necessary and callers will simply go to the voicemail/unavailable message for that number should the receiving user not be available.