There may be times that you experience issues while using your headset. Perhaps you can not hear the person, or the other person can’t hear you. Maybe no sound is coming through your device, or you are getting too much background noise and feedback.
All these situations can put a damper on your communication and slow down your workflow. As troublesome as they are, there are ways to remedy the situation.
Here are our top tips to troubleshoot audio issues while using Aircall.
Using a Mac (with MacOS X)
While we strongly recommend using a mini-jack headset with your Mac, as it is automatically recognized by the system, most USB headsets will work. Just make sure that they are properly set up in your computer’s sound settings:
Click on the Apple on the left of your top bar
Open System Preferences and look for the Sound section
Select your headset for sound output and input
After selecting, Quit and Relaunch the app
⚠️ Note: If you are using USB headsets on Mac, you will have to follow the steps above every time you unplug/replug your headset, or relaunch your session
If you have recently updated your Mac, please make sure to allow the microphone to access Google Chrome in the Security & Privacy settings of your computer.
⚠️ On MacOS devices, please note that the yellow Mic Mode indicator in the toolbar does not indicate that Aircall is recording. This is a feature of MacOS that denotes your microphone is in use by an application on your device and cannot be disabled.
If you're using a PC (with Windows)
On Windows, we strongly recommend using a USB headset with your Windows PC since it’s more likely to be recognized by your system. However, both USB and mini-jack headsets are considered external devices and require the proper drivers and configuration in Windows.
Make sure your headset is connected to your computer before you launch Chrome to avoid loss of connectivity, then check that your computer's operating system can recognize the device. To do that:
Open up system search and type in manage audio devices.
Select the option from the list of results
On the Playback tab, select the device you want to use from the list.
Google Chrome
If you are using our web application or if you are using the Aircall phone in your integration, please be sure to check in the Google Chrome Settings that the tab sound is not muted.
If this feature is activated, it may impact the sound of your phone.