Call activity is automatically logged in Microsoft Dynamics:
Every call made in Aircall will be logged in your Contact/Lead timeline. The appropriate Contact/Lead is found by searching for a saved phone number in Dynamics that matches the caller's/callee's number.
If the Contact/Lead belongs to an Account, the calls will also be logged in the Account timeline.
If a matching phone number isn’t found in Microsoft Dynamics, a new Contact, a new Lead, or nothing, will automatically be created based on your configuration settings.
What information is logged?
The Dynamics Activity for each call will include the following information:
Related Contact/Lead
Call Direction (Inbound/Outbound)
Call Description (including a link to the call recording/voicemail, any comments/notes left on the call, any tags left on the call, and a note if the call was assigned to another user in Aircall)
Call Duration (in minutes)
Owner (the call activity will be assigned to the Dynamics user who set up the integration)
See who’s calling and access Dynamics in one click:
With Aircall’s Insight Cards, the caller information and link to their Contact/Lead page will automatically be displayed on Aircall as soon as the phone rings, or while the agent is on the phone.
Troubleshooting: If caller details do not appear within Aircall, check to make sure that the number is associated with a Contact/Lead within Microsoft Dynamics, and that the number format is supported by the integration.
Accepted number formats and fields:
E.164 international number format and national format are accepted
The standard phone number fields are supported within Microsoft Dynamics: Business Phone, Mobile Phone, Home Phone, and Company Phone
Click-to-Dial functionality:
We recommend using the Aircall browser extensions for Click-to-Dial functionality
While Dynamics also offers a native click-to-dial feature that works with the Aircall app, be mindful that using it automatically opens a call activity and there is no way to deactivate that “quick create” popup