In order to get set up, please make sure to get in touch with your Kustomer account manager or their support team ( so they can assist you through the setup and help you create the workflows which will allow each call to be properly logged into Kustomer.
In order to install the Aircall-Kustomer integration, you will need to create an API key in Aircall, install the Aircall App in Kustomer, then configure Kustomer within Aircall.
Creating your API key
Log in to your Dashboard
Click on Integrations & API in the left sidebar menu
Go to the API keys page
Click Generate and API key
Enter a name for your API key, copy/paste your API ID and API Token somewhere for later use, then click Confirm
Installing the Aircall App in Kustomer
Before installing the Aircall App in Kustomer, you will need to encode your API ID and API Token into Base64 format. You can use a tool such as to do so.
Enter your API ID and API Token to the top box with the format APIID:APIToken, with no spaces
Click Encode then copy/paste the full text (including any symbols) from the bottom box somewhere for later use
Once you have your Base64 API key, you are ready to install the Aircall App
Go to the Apps page, search for Aircall in the Explore Directory section, click on Aircall, then click Install
Enter the Base64 API key you saved from earlier, then click on Install
Once installed, navigate to the Platform section of the Settings page and click on Inbound Webhooks
Go to the Form Hooks tab and copy/paste the aircall hook
Configuring Kustomer within Aircall
Navigate back to your Aircall Dashboard
Click on Integrations & API in the left sidebar menu
Select Webhook from the Discover integrations tab
Paste in the webhook URL you copied from the previous section
Choose the Aircall events you want to log into Kustomer. If you want only calls to be logged, please switch on the following events: call.created, call.answered, call.hungup, call.ended and call.assigned
Confirm by pressing on Add Webhook
That's it! 🎉 Your Kustomer integration has now been set up.
Please make sure to get in touch with your Kustomer account manager or their support team ( for any assistance on creating the workflows which will allow each call to be properly logged into Kustomer.