💡 Aircall will soon be releasing a new and improved version of our Microsoft Dynamics integration. With improvements to the user experience and functionality, here are the main changes users can look for:
Improved Install Flow
Aircall has improved the installation process for the Microsoft Dynamics integration. For more details on how to install, please visit this article.
Call Tags Sync
Tags left on your Aircall calls will now sync with Microsoft Dynamics. Tags will be displayed in the 'Notes' section of your logged calls.
Ability to Choose Call Outcomes
Admins will now be able to automatically assign Call Outcomes based on the Call Type. For outbound answered, outbound unanswered, inbound answered, inbound missed calls, and voicemails, admins will be able to select if the call should be logged in Microsoft Dynamics with the state in progress, completed, or nothing (where no state will be entered for the call log).
All outbound calls will have the status made in Microsoft Dynamics, while all inbound calls will have the status received.
Ability to Choose the Contact Type Created for New Numbers
Admins will now be able to select, directly in the Aircall Dashboard, whether a new Contact, a new Lead, or Nothing is created in Microsoft Dynamics for calls where no existing Contact or Lead was found.
Anonymous Call Handling
Admins will now have a way to easily view calls that are received from anonymous numbers. If a new Contact or a new Lead is selected in the Contact type settings, and a call is received from an anonymous number, an Aircall Anonymous Contact or Aircall Anonymous Lead is created and calls from anonymous numbers will log there.